Friday, May 11, 2012

2 1/2 week update

So here we are at the 2 1/2 week mark since I officially started to really bust my ass on working out. I weighed myself today & was at 260. That's 16 lbs lost... sadly I do not see any improvement. However I think that this may be because I look at myself 24/7 so here is an updated photo comparing before & now. Maybe I am just not seeing the change I want to see yet. I honestly do not know where I have lost the weight but according to my scale I have. Take a look and see if you see it... I don't.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Progress Picture #1

This is me at the heaviest I have ever weighed. I am 277lbs. I cant use the "I just had a baby excuse" because I actually lost weight after having my son who is now 16 months old. This is just the "I got lazy & didnt feel like doing anything excuse". Not going to lie when I was taking these pictures I disgusted myself. I knew that when I couldnt look in the mirror without crying... Its time to take action.

** If you are going to be negative about this please kindly go fuck yourself. This is a blog meant to show my journey so that when I reach my goal weight (and I will) I can show people by this blog my progress. It takes a lot of courage to post pics like this. Remember when you bully someone who is trying to better themselves its not okay && it makes you look like a jack ass. True Story**

Starting over

So what are you supposed to do when your life comes crashing down?!?! I should be sad but for some reason I am not. He was the one that screwed up. So instead of being sad, feeling sorry for myself & bending over backwards to fix things I have decided to use this life changing experience for inspiration to do all the things I have been slacking on. Now that I have an amazing group of friends to be my support group I know that it is time I change a lot of things in my life. Ive been wanting to lose weight, finish school, get a job, & then start saving for my own place. Well guess what?!?! No more excuses. I jumped on the scale last night & was horrified. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, which would explain my back problems & etc. Being 277 lbs is not okay for me. I am wanting to lose about 120 lbs & its gonna happen. This blog will include my weight loss/gain  pics & entries about my journey. There will be good days and bad days. Here is proof of my weight & my first body shots will be posted later today at some point. Please if you choose to be negative about my journey feel free to just click off of my blog. Your negative comments are not wanted. I am doing this for myself & some very close friends as inspiration.

 I will be uploading bi weekly weight updates due to the fact that you cant really tell a difference in weight in just a week. Also I will eventually be doing a weight loss collage. Putting pics next to each other sometimes put things into better perspective. This is all for now. I shall do another entry later today with Body Shots <3